I really am! YAY!
Come and talk to me on MSN! MSN: picogun@hotmail.com
Age 32, Male
Flash Animator
00 MS?
New York , NY
Joined on 5/6/06
Posted by PicoZX - September 25th, 2007
<file><body><e a="1" b="1" g="1" r="1" hurl="Character/00012000" burl="Character/00002000" /></body><item><e type="Eye Accessory" url="Character/Accessory/01022042" icon="info.icon.png" /><e type="Top" url="Character/Coat/01042043" icon="info.icon.png" /><e type="Bottom" url="Character/Pants/01062030" icon="info.icon.png" /><e type="Shoes" url="Character/Shoes/01072012" icon="info.icon.png" /></item><face><e type="face" url="Character/Face/00020005" icon="blink.0.face.png" /></face><hair><e a="1" b="1" g="1" r="1" type="hair" url="Character/Hair/00030212" icon="default.hairOverHead.png" /></hair><pet /></file>
and MS BRAWL is released!
Posted by PicoZX - August 28th, 2007
MapleStory does work on Windows Vista. One suggestion to have MapleStory compatible with Windows Vista is setting the compatibility of the program. Right-click your shortcut to MapleStory or the exe file, select Properties, and click on the Compatibility tab. Once you have selected the tab, check the box Run this program in compatibility mode for: and select Windows XP in the drop-down menu. We also suggest that you restart your computer after applying the changes. MapleStory should work once these changes are applied.
Alright... I did copy from Nexon's post.
Posted by PicoZX - August 24th, 2007
I don't need to make flash alot for you.
You gotta too!
You don't need to put in your flash titles like this:
[ZX] My Flash Title
[Zealots] My Flash Title
[PicoZX] My Flash Title.
Just put it like this:
My Flash Title
I think I shouldn't put EVERYTHING IN COLLABRATION! >=(
You should make movies on your own too.
Well thats all.
Posted by PicoZX - August 22nd, 2007
Pico's City now has International Languages!
If you don't know English, now you could read in other languages! =D