I'm so excited for the translation! On the latest blog entry it saids:
"Been very busy with real life translation work, but I also decided to try to kick things up a notch here. The sooner I can get this stuff done, the better for me. So Draft #2 has jumped from 52% to 71%. No loss in quality, in fact, I've been pretty impressed by how it's shaping up in-game.
All kinds of stuff in this latest batch of stuff, but mostly it was text used in lots of individual rooms. For those following with the map viewer, we're up to Map #256 now. Here are two random pics from that huge pile. I'm trying to avoid story stuff, so sorry for the bleh pics.
Other than that, not too much else to report. Real life work is picking up now, so things may slow down here. We'll see. I think we should be done with Draft 2 in a few weeks though. Weekends will probably be when most work on it gets done.
Not entirely related, but for those who haven't joined in yet, this year's EarthBound Funktastic Summer Gameplay just started, so check that out if you're feeling bored or EarthBoundy!"
Here's videos of me playing around in Mother3:
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Here's the "somewhat" bad news, all flash project are delay.... again...
I just got my PC switched from Vista and XP.
Also heres your Daily MOTHER fanart!
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